Published by : Magabala Books
This exquisite picture book takes us on a journey of the heart as it illuminates the various ways in which family is our ‘heart and home.’
This is a gentle book with a powerful message about the ways in which family keeps us connected – to the people we love, and to the place we live. We are reminded of the importance of being attuned with nature, and of having respect for family and country. It is through our deep connections with family and place that we learn who we are and who we are yet to be.

The lyrical text reads like poetry as we hear the breeze sighing through leaves and trees and the endless rushing of the river. Nature is brought to life through the text and illustrations as it is depicted in a state of continuous movement. The text is supported with warm and gentle illustrations, presented in earthy tones of red, orange and brown. Young readers will enjoy seeing children kicking a ball, looking at traditional art on rock walls, fishing, sitting with Elders, and creating art.
This is an important book to initiate discussion about the reality that all families are different, ways of caring for Country, and the importance of having respect for our land and for each other. We are shown how we can learn about and connect to family through stories and song.
This is the second book in Magabala Books Our Place series, which aims to share with young readers First Nations’ cultural philosophies. 'Respect' (by Aunty Fay Muir and Sue Lawson, and illustrated by Lisa Kennedy) is the first book in the series and is also beautifully written and illustrated and well worth adding to your book collection.
Aunty Fay Muir is a Boonwurrung Elder.
Illustrator Jane Seymour is a Darug woman.
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